Thursday, February 4, 2010

Snow Plans for next week

Hope everyone is enjoyed their snow days and staying safe. 99% of the time we will NOT practice on a snow day because of the low temps during our normal practice time. However, more bad weather is predicted this weekend and who knows when we will be back at school.

So for next Tuesday and Thursday, if we are out of school for bad weather, we will still practice, but from 1-3pm instead of 6-8:30pm. Hopefully the roads will be safe to travel during the warmest part of the day. The only person who should have a conflict is Jeremy who might have Pit Orchestra practice. If you know you will need a ride, talk to people NOW to arrange a carpool if we have to practice from 1-3pm next week. Make sure Amber has your phone number to contact you if there are any changes. Please share this message with anyone who is not part of this FB group (I will also post it on

In the meantime, please MENTALLY practice. I know all of your equipment is at LMS, but you can listen to the music and watch the videos on this page.

FYI....the Brookville competition will not be rescheduled. AIA has credited us the competition entry fee that will carry over into next year since we cannot afford a bus to any additional competitions. We are still looking for opportunities to perform before the Feb. 27 Deep Run Competition (basketball game, public prevew show, etc.).