Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Reminders and Updates

Our season is soon coming to a close and like any endurance race; we need to sprint at the end to stay ahead. Please look over the calendar reminders. Due to the snow storm and conflicts with school field trips, one rehearsal has been added. Parent volunteers are still needed to help fold the floor on Thursdays, donate bottled water and snacks for championships, and to help put together an awards banquet. Please let Mrs. Lipford or Ms. Guske know if you are available to help.

March Calendar Reminders

Thursday, March 12
Rehearsal @ LMS 6-8:30pm (parent help needed to fold the floor at 8:15pm)

Monday, March 16
Rehearsal @ LMS 6-8:30pm (this is a make-up from the snow day/field trips)

Tuesday, March 17
Rehearsal @ LMS 6-8:30pm (Dress up for St. Patrick’s Day)

Thursday, March 19
Rehearsal @ LMS 6-8:30pm (parent help needed to fold the floor at 8:15pm)

Friday, March 20
Rock Band Tournament @ LMS (students are not required to attend, but asked to sell tickets and/or sign-up bands to compete. Parent help is needed to donate prizes and concession items)

Tuesday, March 24
Rehearsal @ LMS, 6-8:30pm

Thursday, March 26
Friends and Family Performance at 7:00pm in the main gym. All VPE members should report to the auxiliary gym at 6:00pm in uniform and show hair/make-up to rehearse before the performance. This is a FREE event and the bigger the audience the better!

Friday, March 27
After-school rehearsal @ LMS from 3-5:30pm. We will need parent help to load the floor and props and transport them to Woodbridge. All VPE members should take their flag bags home and pack them on the bottom of the charter bus on Saturday. We were previously scheduled to perform at Jefferson Forest HS, but this has not been confirmed.

Saturday, March 28-Sunday, March 29
AIA Championships in Woodbridge, Virginia. Detailed itinerary will be available soon. We will leave Saturday morning and come back Sunday evening. Prelims are on Saturday and Finals (if we are in the top 50%) are on Sunday. We will be traveling with the drum line and they do not perform until Sunday. We will try to schedule in some time to shop at Potomac Mills. You will not be excused from school on Monday, so bring homework.