Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Brookville Itinerary

VPE Schedule, Brookville HS Competition

Thu, Jan.21 Practice at LMS from 6-8:30pm

Mon, Jan. 25 Practice at LMS from 6-8:30pm

Tue, Jan. 25 Practice at LMS from 6-8:30pm

Thu, Jan. 28 Practice at LMS from 6-8:30pm

Fri, Jan. 29 Practice at LMS from 3:00-5:00pm

Saturday, January 30, Brookville High School Competition:

Please eat breakfast AND lunch before you leave to come to LMS. Drink water throughout the day so that you do not become dehydrated.

1:00pm Meet at LMS auxiliary gym wearing your scrubs and shoes. (Bring clipboards and hair clips!)
We will rehearse with all props and equipment. Do not put on any make-up until after we practice.

4:00pm Load props and equipment onto Big Blue (chaperones needed to assist)

4:30pm Depart LMS (use the bathroom BEFORE we leave)

4:45pm Arrive at Brookville HS. Unload props and equipment to holding area
(need parent help)

5:15pm Begin stretches in hallway and then go on to Body and Equipment warm-up

6:15pm Perform

6:30-7:00 Load all props and equipment back onto the band truck (need
parent help).
Eat dinner at the concessions (bring $$). We
may not have time to change out of the scrubs because Powhatan
performs at 7:03pm.

7:03-7:45 Watch the rest of the guards perform, we will all sit together. You
are only allowed to leave the gym in case of an emergency (you must
go in groups of 3). This is a short competition and you will not
want to miss any of the performances (parent chaperones sit with the

8:00pm Awards Ceremony

8:30pm Leave for LMS

8:45pm ETA @ LMS

9:00pm The time you can leave to go home if everyone helps unload the props If only a few people help, it will take much longer.

Special Reminders:

• Spectator tickets are $10. (The first unit performs at 4:00pm and the last
unit performs at 7:30pm, so this is still cheaper than a movie ticket!) 2
parent chaperones and truck driver get in free with our team.

• We are competing in the Scholastic Regional A Class, also called “SRA”.

• We have 7 minutes to set up all of our props, perform our 4 minute 20 second
show AND get our props off the floor. If your
parents/siblings/boyfriends/girlfriends are going to watch the competition,
tell them to get out of the bleachers to help us get our stuff on and off
the floor. We need the help!!

• Please try to get all of your friends and family to come to this
competition! We want a big crowd to cheer us on!! Make sure they know that
they can cheer during the performance (during a toss, sections where we are
all doing something cool, etc.)