Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tuesday's practice Rescheduled!

Due to the weather, tonight's rehearsal has been rescheduled to Friday, January 30, at LMS from 3-5pm. We will need parent help carpooling students from ECG to LMS.

Please continue to make preparations for the competition this weekend. On Thursday, we will need parent help at 8:15pm to help fold the floor. If you ordered a unitard from Carolina Connections, they are here and please make arrangments to pick them up from the store. All flag poles should be taped the same color as the silk (except for blue flags w/ umbrellas...those should have stoppers taped white).

T-shirts are here and will be passed out at Thursday's practice. Please check the website for any other updates. "Pajama Nite" has been rescheduled to Thursday. Please wear your practice clothes underneath or incoporate it into your outfit.
FYI, the basketball games scheduled for tonight have been rescheduled to tomorrow (Wednesday). The Indoor Percussion Theatre will still be performing at half-time. Come out and show your support!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Winter Weather Back-up

Just want to address the chance for winter weather on Tuesday. Hopefully everything will be clear by practice time. In case practice is cancelled, we will practice Friday from 3-5pm at LMS. We will do e-mail and the phone tree to communicate on Tuesday if there are any changes.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Pajama Tuesday

Thursday was an impromptu "Urban" theme for the Middle School VPE members. They had so much fun flashing their zipcode for the camera that we are doing a themed practice again next Tuesday.
Tuesday, January 27, is "Pajama Night" for all VPE members, complete with a Silly Slipper contest. Please make sure you wear your rehearsal clothes underneath or incorporate it into your costume.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

January 31st Competition Itinerary

9-10:00am Rehearse in the auxiliary gym at LMS. We will need parent help in the beginning to help load the floor onto the trailer. Flag bags and other equipment will be transported with the performers on the bus.

10-11:00am Performers change into uniform, do hair and make-up (please remove nail polish before Saturday). You will need to bring your own mirror as we will probably use the band room as a dressing room.

11:30am Leave LMS (lunch stop on the way, bring $ or a bag lunch)

2:00pm Arrive at Powhatan HS and go straight into the gym to watch ECG Percussion perform

2:30pm Unload the floor cover from trailer, final bathroom break before warm-up. Parent help is needed to take the floor from the trailer into the school.

4:48pm Perform! We have a 7 minute time limit to get on the floor, perform our 4 minute routine, and get everything off the floor. Parent help is needed getting the floor cover on and off the performance floor as it weighs about 300 pounds.

5-5:30pm Load the floor back onto the trailer, load flags and equipment onto the bus and change into t-shirt and jeans

5:30-6:15pm Watch the rest of the guards in our class (Scholastic Regional A). We will sit together in the bleachers with chaperones.

6:15-7:00pm Dinner break at the concessions area. Bring $. There will also be various souvenirs for sale (t-shirts, photos, etc). We will bring leftover water bottles and snacks from Monday’s camp as concessions food can be expensive.

7-8:30pm Watch the rest of the color guards perform. We will sit together with chaperones.

8:30-9:30pm Awards Ceremony and Critique (where the judges meet with instructors to give feedback for the next competition)

11:30pm Approximate return to LMS. The building will be locked when we return, so students are encouraged to bring a cell phone on the trip so that they can call home when we are close to the school.

Special Competition Information:
Chaperones get free admission passes.

General spectator tickets are $10 and purchased at the main entrance.

Each performing group only gets 1 video pass. If you are available to video tape our performance, please let us know. We would like to watch our performance at the following Tuesday’s rehearsal.

Flash photography is not allowed during performances, but most competitions have professional action photographers.

Proper etiquette while watching a winter guard performance is to clap and cheer during the parts of the performance you find interesting (like after a toss).

Directions to Powhatan HS:

Take US 460 to Appomattox. Take Rt 24 North to Buckingham. Take US 60 East for about 40 miles to Powhatan. You will travel about seven miles, passing several traffic lighted intersections. Once you pass the intersection that contains the McDonalds, prepare to turn left at the next traffic light. This is the intersection of Judes Ferry Rd. and US 60 (Bank of Powhatan at the corner). Turn left onto Judes Ferry Rd. Powhatan High School is just ahead on your right.

For a complete list of participating schools, visit www.atlanticindoor.org.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

"Finish The Show Day"

"Finish the show day" is an important day. We will finish learning the rest of the drill and fill in as much choreography as possible. Please remember to wear dance blacks and bring a water bottle. We will be in the aux gym for the first half of the day and in the main gym the second half of the day. We will perform for parents at 4:30pm to finish off a day of hard work. We voted to have pizza for lunch. Please bring money and we will order from Papa John's Pizza.

First Competition Coming Soon!

Here are some important reminders for the coming weeks:

Thu, Jan 15 Rehearsal 6-8:30pm
We HAVE to finish learning all of the drill. Please makeevery effort to attend all of rehearsal.

Mon, Jan 19 Camp @ LMS from 9am-5pm
Please answer the poll about what you would like to do for lunch. Bring any homework or exam review with you. We will be filling in ALL of the choreography, so you can study when we are working on a section you are not in.

Parent Help Needed!
Sewers, chaperones, prop painters, and help folding the floor every Thursday at 8:15pm

Carolina Connections sells unitards. http://www.bandshoppe.com/ sells gloves (for rifles only)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who Do I Write the Check To?

LMS Band- Linkhorne Middle School handles all the money for Winter Guard and drumline. We thank them so much for their support!

2. Why aren't we wearing school colors?

Sometimes we are able to wear school colors in our uniforms and other times we choose to go with a more "thematic" uniform to interpret the music or the theme of the show. The trend in recent years, in both indoor and outdoor competition, is to choose a costume that relates to your music or theme rather than simply going with a traditional school uniform. It is another way that we can visually interpret the music and another way that our activity uses theatrical elements to create entertainment for the audience. You will find as you watch other winter guards that this activity is not simply about performing our equipment skills to the music but also about interpreting the music visually through color, costume and set design.

3. Why don't we just buy flags instead of make them?

Flags ordered from catalogs typically cost between $30.00 and $60.00 each. With an average of 16 members and 4 flag changes per show the cost quickly rises beyond our means. However, fabric costs only $3.50 per yard and each flag uses only about 2 - 3 yards of fabric. This is a much more reasonable solution which allows us to get new flags each year that are specific to the colors and visuals called for by the style of music. Even to hire a seamstress to help make the flags does not cost as much as to buy them from a catalog!

4. Are there other Winter Guards in Central Virginia?

Yes! Actually, there are winter guards at Jefferson Forest High School(2 teams), Brookevill High School, Bassett High School, Salem High School (2 teams) and Lord Botetourt High School. It's an activity that is definitely growing in our area! We have hosted a parent preview show of EC Glass winter guards and percussion units since Spring 2007. This year that showcase will include Jefferson Forest High school.

5. What is the purpose of the floor cover?

It serves two purposes, both practical and aesthetic. First, by covering the gym floor with a vinyl tarp we help to reduce the amount of damage to the floor caused by dropped equipment. Second, by covering the distracting basketball and volleyball court markings with a tarp (and even by painting the tarp to match the theme of the show) we draw the focus away from the floor markings and to the performers and equipment work.

6. Can winter guard performers participate in another sport?

In many cases it is very difficult for a student to participate in another school-affiliated winter or spring sport AND winter guard simply because of timing conflicts. Our season extends from early November to early April overlapping both the winter and spring sports seasons. In a few instances there have been students who have been able to work out their participation in both by discussing their individual situation with both coaches, however, in every situation the time of overlap was extremely stressful for the student in keeping up with the sport, schoolwork and guard.7. What if I have to miss a competition?In most cases it is not allowable to miss a competition. Exceptions are made on a case by case basis (and are granted for things like other school events). Please see Coach Lipford to discuss your particular situation.